Enhancing Transparency in Political Financing (Starts – March 2023)

Too much money flows in politics and most of its source is not openly known. When political parties and candidates conceal their sources of funds to participate in election campaigns, they become prone to funding using ‘dirty’ money. Dirty money refers to funds from illicit sources including money laundering. Opaqueness in sources of political funding provides fertile ground for incumbent political parties to encroach on public/ state resources to fund party and campaign activities.

This course focuses on the mechanisms that promote transparency in political financing. It introduces participants to the legal and institutional frameworks, internationally acceptable principles, and practices that promote openness and transparency in funding political parties. It equips EMBs and Political Parties with the tools to enforce transparency in political financing.

Learning Outcome

Participants are able to enforce and adhere to the internationally acceptable standards, principles, and practices that enhance transparency and openness in political financing.

Course Objectives

Understanding the legal framework enhancing transparency in political financing
Identifying best practices and tools promoting and enforcing transparency and openness in political funding
Incorporating internationally acceptable standards, and principles in enhancing transparency in political financing

Target Participants

Political Candidates, Political Parties, Politicians, Political Organizations, Policy Makers, Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs), Researchers, and Civil Society Organizations

Course Duration & Delivery Format

8 days, 3 hours each day, online.

Course Fee

300 USD

Other Courses


Alliance for Finance Monitoring
Interservice Tower, Floor 1,
Plot 33 Lumumba Avenue,
P.O. Box 37206, Kampala, Uganda.
Tel: +256-393-217168


Alliance for Finance Monitoring Inc.
Waltham MA 02452-4851
Tel: +1-682-347-0587

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